Sunday, November 4, 2007

I'm Beary Cute and Excited

Savannah and her bear are ready for the big game, Patriots v. Colts. Savannah even has her own mouth guard. Savannah has still NEVER seem the PATS lose. She is their good luck charm.


Anonymous said...

You stop putting that babies head in that. I know it can only be you Jeremy. :) She's not a doll...

Cheryl said...

Is she going to play football? She could be a tom boy.

Unknown said...

I don't know who anonymous is, but s/he's wrong. She is COMPLETELY a doll!

Is she always smiling, or do you only put up the smiling pictures among the bazillion you've taken?

Anonymous said...

Grandma Nan is a Patriots fan too! You are too cute for words! Jeremy, remember when I dressed you up as a train conductor! She is happier than you were, that's for sure!