Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sticky Fingers

We recently discovered we are related to an amateur shoplifter. Savannah seems to take what she wants off store shelves everywhere we go. Luckily nothing over $1 yet, that we've found!


Cheryl said...

Savannah looks beautiful in pink !

pirate ride said...

Cut hat girly!!

pirate ride said...

Hey, Allison I am just glad you did the book exchange. Sometimes people don't like things like that!
And on the comment above I meant CUTE!! I need to look over my typing before I publish!

Unknown said...

hey allison! i got your email and will call you sometime this weekend. i am leavign sunday, but will be back next weekend if you want to get together sometime then. i will also be back in July for almost 2 weeks when the baby is born, so if we cant see each other now, definitely then!! Hope all is well :-)